• Find Your Audience

    For over three decades the average earnings of a book over its entire lifetime have hovered at around $3,000. Authors are fortunate if they sell 300 copies of a book—total! What if you knew you could sell way more books than that? Would you feel even more excited about creating your book? “Branding Your Book, the first of my three-part Slider series on Authormaps home page will show you where to begin. Start here!
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  • Choose Your Format(s)

    Formatting a book used to be simple. It was a hardback or a paperback. How things change! Now we have ebooks—with two different protocols for formatting them. One is mobi (Mobipocket) used for Amazon’s Kindle books. The other is epub (electronic publication format) for all other eReaders, tablets and mobile devices. Print books; ebooks in regular, enhanced, or fixed format; audiobooks; or PDF books! How to choose?
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  • Format Affects Distribution

    There is no way to avoid the thicket of book distributors out there. But you can see a clearer path ahead if you understand how each book format affects your distribution options and costs. With the growth of digital books a host of new ways of formatting and distributing books have sprung up. We’ll take each book format separately and describe the particular kinds of book distribution and distributors you might use.
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Marketing Your Book to Libraries, An Insider's Guide for Authors


They’re the biggest book market in the US and the world

Word-of-mouth advertising is the best way to sell your book

Libraries keep books on the shelf much longer than stores

Libraries offer far better discoverability of books & ebooks


Your site is the most thorough description of what our choices are as publishers looking for eBook distribution, and I thank you for the extraordinary research you took to produce this valuable report.

Barry Beckham, Beckham Publications, www.beckhamhouse.com

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Download your free three-part report, “Global Publishing, Inc. — What Does It Mean for You?” by Nancy K. Humphreys

The book business has changed enormously over this century! Find out how, and use this information when you write and publish your book.


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