There’s no reason to bog down with writer’s block. Here are four great reasons to get going again!
The library market reaches Americans from every walk of life: every age, every ethnic and racial group and every income level, gender and gender-orientation, and every language. And libraries collect books on everything readers want to read about!
Libraries now buy multiple formats of books that they believe will be popular with their patrons. This can mean even more sales you can make to them!
And library patrons can be some of your best marketing partners! They will read your book and tell others about it, and those others will go and buy it.
Some library users will even realize they want their own copies of your book to keep at home or in their office!
Librarians have sophisticated ways of selecting and buying books that can keep your book from getting into the library market unless you know the way it works. As a librarian who bought tens of thousands of book over many years for all kinds of libraries, I can show you exactly how to write, design, and market your book so that you will get it into libraries.
My book, Marketing Your Book to Libraries: An Insider’s Guide for Authors will give you the understanding of libraries, as well as the tools and strategies you’ll need to get your book into the library!
My book has been designed to include special prep work exercises to do while you are writing your own book. After reading my book, you’ll be ready to market your book to libraries (and other places!) even before you finish!
So don’t wait. Get started marketing your book to libraries!
To buy and download this book now while it’s on sale for 20% less, click on the button below!
Instant download PDF, 153 pages, regular price $24.95, on sale now for $19.95!
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